Apparently VeoWeb.Net1 upgraded PHP. This introduced a bug (feature?) which caused the above warning to be displayed even though the php script appears to work correctly.
Here’s the solution:
The offending line looks something like this:
include($URL) ;
Replacing it with this:
@include($URL) ;
fixes this problem.
- Now defunct.
Hi, having a similar problem. But, to let you know, the at (@) sign doesn’t fix the problem, @ just simply quiets the warning. So, it’s still there, it’s just not telling you about it anymore. 🙂
I treid it with the @ and it doesn’t fix the problem! I also tried to change the inclusion from getting a http:// into a local file /http/home/www …
Nothing helps.
Still this error on my site 🙁
Thanks a ton rlrr, I was freaking out because of those stupid errors… I checked my coding and everything, I wasn’t sure what exactly was going wrong… The whole @ thing works… It may not fix the problem but it does hide the error messages, which is enough to please me.